Unemployment Insurance. Issues & Controversies. Facts
On File News Services, 15 Nov. 2010. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
"In October 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate hit 10% for the first time in decades"
"Other opponents of unemployment insurance argue that the jobless could find jobs if they really
wanted to."
wanted to."
States Department of Labor. State Unemployment Insurance Benefits. 2013.
Web. <http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/uifactsheet.asp>.
"[…] you can only receive 26 time your fully weekly rate."
"Your weekly benefit rate is 1/26 of the high quarter wages paid to you in you base period."
and Homelessness. National Coalition for the Homeless. 2009. Web.
"As bad as it is for the 44% of homeless people who have jobs and can't escape homelessness, climbing
out of homelessness is virtually impossible for those without a job."
States . Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Washington DC: ,
2013. Web. <http://www.cbpp.org/cms/?fa=view&id=3164>.
number rises to 47 weeks in states with especially high unemployment
Michael. United States . Congressman. Economy and Jobs. New York: ,
2013. Web. <http://grimm.house.gov/issue/economy>.
"We need to do more to get our economy growing and people
back to work."
" I have voted for over 30 pro-jobs bills, and stood
in support of the GOP plan for job creation, which
focuses on reducing our nation’s $16 trillion debt, preventing
tax hikes on small businesses,
and reducing job-killing regulations."
Michael. United States . Congressman. Financial Services. New York:
, Web. <http://grimm.house.gov/issue/financial-services>.
"This common sense piece of legislation would protect
consumers from unnecessary price increases
and prevents companies from wasted precious capital that can be
used for expansion and job
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